
Water Conditioning, drinking and air purification systems are designed to meet all water quality challenges by providing effective and affordable treatment solutions for your home. RainSoft invests heavily in research, development, independent third-party testing and certification programs to assure the utmost quality and reliability in all of our products.

American made and manufactured since 1953, RainSoft has earned more than 75 U.S. and international patents and offer lifetime warranties on select products.


RainSoft water conditioning and softening systems take out calcium and magnesium to reduce hardness and chemical contaminants that can cause unsightly coloring or smell in your home. Water conditioners allow you to use less soap and your water-using appliances will last longer due to less sediment build up. On top of that, your skin and hair will feel soft and look shiny and your overall water maintenance will operate more efficiently.

EC5 Water Conditioner 

EC4 Water Conditioner



Delicious, purified water doesn’t necessarily have to come out of a plastic bottle. The Ultrefiner II from is a multi-stage drinking water purifier that takes out 98% of impurities at an affordable price. Our systems have three lines of defense with a formidable barrier against all kinds of contaminants that may be present in your water.

Having the Ultrefiner II installed in your home is a highly economical way for you to ensure that your family has round-the-clock access to drinking water of the highest quality.

Ultrefiner II 



EPA studies indicate that air quality in the average home can be 4 to 40 times dirtier than the outside air. When you think about all the time your family spends indoors, doesn’t it make sense to give them the best quality air you can?

Utilizing technology developed through a United States Military Grant focused on germ warfare, the professional line of air cleaning are the best systems to effectively address pollutants.

Airmaster Ultra

DFS Air Purification System



CleanStart is an innovative, eco-friendly laundry solution designed to save you money and provide the cleanest, freshest laundry you’ve ever experienced! Your clothes will be cleaner, last longer and be free of chemicals coming from toxic detergents and unfiltered water.




Some homes have more serious problems that need to be addressed with water contaminants. We have specialized systems that can eliminate these types of issues.

Whole-House Carbon Filtration System

Semi-Automatic Whole-House Carbon Filtration System

EC4 OxyTech™

RCUV™ Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System


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Air Purification Unit!